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Bulk capacity vessels

Vertical apparatus with conic heads (VKK)

Vertical apparatus with conic head and flat top head (VKP)

Vertical apparatus with conic head and elliptical top head (VKE)

Vertical apparatus with elliptical heads (VEE)

Vertical apparatus with elliptical bottoms and "jacket" (VEE)

Vertical apparatus with flat heads (VPP)

Horizontal apparatus with conic heads (GKK)

Horizontal apparatus with elliptical heads (GEE)

Horizontal apparatus with elliptical heads and tube bundle (GEE)

Bulk capacity vessels (apparatus) are important part of the process chain in the production, reforming and storage of petroleum products, gases, chemicals and food products.

Capacity vessels usage and operation

They are used for receiving, dispensing and storing liquid and gaseous fluids (explosive and fire hazardous, harmful) at an ambient temperature from -60°C to + 50°C. There are four hazard classes of operational products 1st, 2d, 3d, and 4th according to GOST 12.1.007.

Their operation is carried out at a pressure of 0.6 MPa, 0.7 MPa, 1.0 MPa and 1.6 MPa.

Vessels can be installed in tropical, moderately cold and cold climates (according to GOST 15150-69).

It should be noted that such vessels are not intended to be installed underground, are not used for transport and mobile plants, are not used for surface lining and gumming (except paint coatings).

If vertical all-welded vessels don’t have heating equipment, they can also be used as a crude settling drum.

Bulk capacity vessels structural design

They have a cylindrical shell, as it provides to use entire volume and guarantees a tightness. Also such design is the most convenient for working under pressure.

If the operating temperature is below the freezing point of stored product, bulk capacity vessels can be equipped with two types of heating equipment that can work permanently or periodically: with an internal heating coil pipe or «jacket» from the outside. The pressure in the coil pipe should not be higher than 0.6 MPa.

There are hatches for loading-unloading operations and fittings for the installation of control and measuring instruments (level gauges, safety devices, samplers, mixers/agitators, etc.) on the tank shell.

Manufacture and installation of all-welded apparatus

The Saratov Reservoir Plant has necessary Certificates of Conformity for the manufacture of vessels and apparatus.

Bulk capacity vessels can be fabricated all-welded or have split housing. Both designs are supplied to the operation site in full factory readiness.

The installation of the vessels is carried out on lug-supports or leg-supports.

While manufacturing the following steel grades are used:

  • carbon steel
  • stainless steel 12Х18N10Т, 10Х17N13М2Т, 10Х17N13М3Т, 06ХN28МDТ (EI 943)
  • low-alloyed steel 09G2S, 16GS, 10G2

Our Plant produces steel welded vessels which have horizontal or vertical form with the volume from 1 m3 to 200 m3. Design, manufacturing and installation are regulated by GOST R 52630-2012 "Steel welded vessels and apparatus. General technical specifications".

Apparatus classification

The vessels are classified depending on the following:

  • set-up: horizontal or vertical
  • heads: flat, conic, elliptical

The structural design depends on the process at operation facility and on the aggregate state of operational product.

The housing is manufactured in accordance with GOST 9931-85 "Housing of cylindrical steel welded vessels and apparatus".

The operating of the vessels is carried out under the pressure of 0.6 MPa, 0.7 MPa, 1.0 MPa, 1.6 MPa.

Fluid drain can occur in two ways: by gravity or by compressed gases displacement (air, process or inert gas).

Our Plant produces the following structural designs of capacity vessels:

  • all-welded horizontal capacity vessels with elliptical heads (GEE)
  • all-welded horizontal capacity vessels with elliptical heads and with tube bundle (GEE)
  • all-welded horizontal capacity vessels with conic-unbeaded heads (GKK)
  • all-welded vertical capacity vessels with elliptical heads (VEE)
  • all-welded vertical capacity vessels with elliptical heads and "jacket" (VEE)
  • all-welded vertical capacity vessels with flat heads (VPP)
  • all-welded vertical capacity vessels with flat heads and heating coil (VPP)
  • all-welded vertical capacity vessels with conic-unbeaded lower head and flat top head (VKP)
  • all-welded vertical capacity vessels with conic-unbeaded lower head and flat top head and with heating coil (VKP)
  • all-welded vertical capacity vessels with conic-unbeaded lower head and elliptical top head (VKE)
  • all-welded vertical capacity vessels with conic-unbeaded head and elliptical top head and "jacket" (VKE)

Summary table of bulk capacity vesselss technical specifications

Charecteristics VEE VKE VKP VPP GEE GKK
Volume, m3 1-25 1-10 10-25 1-100 6.3-100 1-100
Operational product petroleum/ petrol/ oil/ food product/ chemicals
Density of operational product, kg/m3 up to 2000
Hazard rating of operational products 1, 2, 3 и 4 according to GOST 12.1.007
Temperature of operational product, ºС from -60 to +50
Operating pressure, MPa 0.6; 0.7; 1.0; 1.6
Coil pressure (if applicable), MPa up to 0.06
Set-up vertical vertical vertical vertical horizontal horizontal
Heads elliptical elliptical and conic conic-unbeaded and flat flat elliptical conic-unbeaded
Additional equipment with/ without "jacket", with coil/ without, with tube bundle/without
Material St3sp5, 12Х18N10Т, 09G2S
Discharge method by gravity or by compressed gases displacement
Seismicity of the operational site up to 6 points
Overall dimensions according to GOST 9931-85 "Housing of cylindrical steel welded vessels and apparatus"

The production process is controlled by incoming material control, acceptance certificate of metal structures and weld inspection. After the vessel is completed, our specialists inspect the surface for damages and do leak tests. All works are registered in the acceptance certificate.

Our specialists produce bulk capacity vessels in vertical and horizontal design, with flat, conical and elliptical heads, with or without heating coil.

How to order bulk capacity vessel at our Plant?

The cost of the vessel depends on its type (all-welded/ with split housing, horizontal/vertical), volume, structural design (with / without heater, with thermal insulation / without), operating conditions.

To order and calculate the price, You can:

  • call at +7(8452)250-288
  • download the Questionnaire, fill it out and send it at e-mail
  • use the "Request for quotation" form, provide contact information, and our specialist will contact you

We perform package of services for the design and construction of oilfield facilities at prices without intermediaries.