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Basic engineering

Basic (or base) engineering is the actual design stage of the capital construction project for production and non-production purposes. The engineering solutions of the facility have already been developed and agreed, and the development of the Detailed design documentation directly involved in the construction of the facility is ahead. Basic engineering involves a set of works in the process of which the research (survey) and design of the facility is carried out on the basis of the agreed engineering solutions performed at the pre-design stage. That is, everything that characterizes this construction project, the layout, infrastructure, space and layout design, processing equipment, is described in detail in the process of performing basic engineering.

The milestones at the stage of performing basic engineering are*:

Basic engineering for oil and gas facilities

  • detailed investigation and engineering surveys to determine the geographical setting of the future construction site;
  • selection of processing and engineering equipment to equip the facility with a vendor selection;
  • technical documentation development, namely, Authority Engineering in accordance with Resolution No. 87 "Concerning Composition of Design Documentation Sections and Requirements to Their Contents";
  • undergoing of state and nonstate expert authority of the project developed.

The result of basic engineering performed is the development of the detailed engineering design of the construction project and the accessory.

The SARRZ project engineers perform basic engineering both separately and in a complex of works on the development, design and construction of oil and gas industry facilities. Thanks to the fact that the Engineering Department works in close cooperation with the production department, we offer only effective project packaging for your facility.

How to place an order of basic engineering performing for Your facility?

To inquire the price of performance of work on basic engineering, You may:

  • send the technical specifications for execution of works by email
  • use the form "Order a service", specify the detailed information to contact you
  • call us at 8-800-555-9480

*you may inquire the full list of basic engineering by calling the phone line 8-800-555-9480